Many people don’t realise but the average jogger, school and work shoe have on average about a centimetre and a half raised heel built in. This may not seem like much (even though it causes lots of compensations and muscle imbalances in the body), and times that by 7-8 hours per day, 5+ times per week and we have a problem
.The higher the heel, the worse it gets! .
Basically anything over zero centimetres and the body begins to compensate.
Our centre of gravity is shifted forward - meaning a change in posture at the hips.
Glute function can become inhibited, calves and achilles become shorter, the tendons on top of our feet can shorten (leading to clawed toes), the arch of the foot weakens and the big toe can become unstable.
All these changes to structures, tendons and muscles ultimately lead to change in movement and biomechanical patterns - which means more risk of pain and injury.
Where possible (and providing you do not have any structural issues or current injuries) I encourage you to limit the amount of times you spend in shoes with a raised heel 👣🧠💪🏽